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Mapping National Innovation Ecosystems: Foundations for Policy Consensus, by Amnon Frenkel, Shlomo Maital
PDF Ebook Mapping National Innovation Ecosystems: Foundations for Policy Consensus, by Amnon Frenkel, Shlomo Maital
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'Frenkel and Maital provide a ground-breaking deeply-delving study of innovation systems, offering guidance for decision-making practitioners that links theory with case-based learning opportunities.'
- Michael Radnor, Chairman and co-founder, Global Advanced Technology Innovation Consortium (GATIC)
'A must read for national policy makers, this book highlights the role of innovation in overall economic wellbeing and the importance of a system-based approach to designing national innovation policies'
- Brendan Cahill, Partner, BearingPoint
'Every national innovation ecosystem is based on the country's history, culture, people and environment. This book is essential reading for policy-makers in any region or nation, especially for nations such as China, in the process of developing an innovation-based economy.'
- Gu Peihua, Provost, Shantou University, China
Increasingly, researchers and policymakers alike recognize that innovations are generated by complex and dynamic national ecosystems that include government, industry, universities and schools. Because these systems differ by country and are strongly influenced by culture, effective policy and research strategies require a systems approach, in which policy consensus is built on a clear understanding of how each nation's innovation ecosystem functions.
This book outlines a unique methodology for constructing visual maps of national innovation ecosystems. The authors provide completed maps for six countries (Israel, Poland, Germany, France, Spain and Singapore), and two regions (Greater Toronto and ZhiangJiang Technology Park in Shanghai), along with detailed breakdowns of the policy implications emerging from each. These in-depth examples and a clear methodological approach offer a comprehensive guide for constructing visual portrayals of innovation systems and demonstrate why this is a vital exercise.
Scholars and students of innovation and management will find this book an invaluable resource, as will innovation policymakers across the world.
Contents: 1. Towards national innovation system 2. Method for mapping innovation ecosystems 3. The Israeli national innovation ecosystem 4. The Polish national innovation ecosystem 5. The German national innovation ecosystem 6. The French national innovation ecosystem 7. The Spanish national innovation ecosystem 8. The health industry innovation ecosystem in the of Ontario, Canada 9. The innovation ecosystem in Shanghai, China 10. The Singaporian national innovation ecosystem 11. Conclusion: A Comparison of national & regional innovation ecosystems Epilog: Systems mindset as foundations for policy References Index
- Sales Rank: #4524451 in Books
- Published on: 2014-09-30
- Original language: English
- Dimensions: 9.50" h x 6.50" w x 1.00" l, 1.18 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 264 pages
About the Author
Amnon Frenkel, Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, and Senior Researcher, S. Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, Israel and Shlomo Maital, Senior Research Fellow, S. Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Technion, Haifa, Israel
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